Aircraft design and analysis

Aircraft design is both an art and a science. Mr. Dror Artzi have unique combination of having an instinct for the nature of air and the way its behave around air vehicle, and instinct for the behavior of a structure under loads, (instinct which were developed during more than 35 years of aerospace engineering, design and production), and he has the love and passion for the aviation art by being a senior lecturer for aeronautics who offer his experience to the next generation of aircraft designers.

Mr. Artzi  services as an expert designer includes the following:

·        Conducting Feasibility & Technology Studies for the customer    requirements and supporting the customer by reviewing new idea, assessing it versus existing technologies and / or different approaches.

·        Conceptual design, analysis, and optimization of aerospace vehicles.

This phase starts with evaluation and assessment of the design requirements and it include all classes of vehicle including military, commercial, general aviation, UAV, and others .prop and jets, concepts.

In this stage we will works with the customer to define system requirements, then develops one or more concepts, conducts analysis, performs optimizations, and presents design reports and briefings.

Mr. Artzi was a member of the elite small team, which established the first lines of the "Lavi" Multi- Role Fighter aircraft and was involves in all the stages of conceptual design, establishing several (more than 20) concepts for the aircraft configuration, performing trade studies, analysis and optimization and working with the customer (the Israeli Air Force) to evaluate and assess the aircraft requirements and systems specifications.