The Course based on Mr. Artzi's vast experience in managing programs, Experience he gained as General Manager of "CARCOM" – Manufacturing Plant for Composite Aircraft Structures, As Director of Engineering of Military Aircrafts in IAI – Israel Aircraft Industry and as Project Manager in RAFAEL.

קורס זה נבנה על בסיס ניסיונו הרב של מר ארצי בניהול פרויקטים, ניסיון שנרכש בתפקידו כמנהל מפעל "כרכום" לייצור חלקי מטוסים מחומרים מרוכבים, כמנהל הנדסת כלי טייס צבאיים בתע"א וכמנהל פרויקטים ברפא"ל

Project Management

    1. Overview of Project Management

    2. Project Development stages

    3. Planning a Project
            a.  Specification
            b.  Providing Structure
                    i.    Work breakdown structure (WBS)
                    ii.   Tasks Allocation
                    iii.  Guesstimation (estimate of the time involved in the project)
c.  Establishing Controls
   Established Milestones
                    ii.  Established means of communication

    4. Team Building

    5. Management Activities
            a. Budget Control
            b. Configuration Management
            c. Risks
assessment and Management
            d. Management of Information
            e. Management of Testing
            f. Management of Quality
            g. Management of Procurement
            h. Management of ILS
            i. Management of the Unexpected Surprises

    6. Planning and Control Tools
            a. Tree structure charts
            b. Gantt chart
            c. Gantt charts and resource planning
            d. Pert charts

    7. What makes great Manager